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Urban Dynamics and Simulation Models PDF
By:Denise Pumain,Romain Reuillon
Published on 2017-02-07 by Springer
This monograph presents urban simulation methods that help in better understanding urban dynamics. Over historical times, cities have progressively absorbed a larger part of human population and will concentrate three quarters of humankind before the end of the century. This “urban transition” that has totally transformed the way we inhabit the planet is globally understood in its socio-economic rationales but is less frequently questioned as a spatio-temporal process. However, the cities, because they are intrinsically linked in a game of competition for resources and development, self organize in “systems of cities” where their future becomes more and more interdependent. The high frequency and intensity of interactions between cities explain that urban systems all over the world exhibit large similarities in their hierarchical and functional structure and rather regular dynamics. They are complex systems whose emergence, structure and further evolution are widely governed by the multiple kinds of interaction that link the various actors and institutions investing in cities their efforts, capital, knowledge and intelligence. Simulation models that reconstruct this dynamics may help in better understanding it and exploring future plausible evolutions of urban systems. This would provide better insight about how societies can manage the ecological transition at local, regional and global scales. The author has developed a series of instruments that greatly improve the techniques of validation for such models of social sciences that can be submitted to many applications in a variety of geographical situations. Examples are given for several BRICS countries, Europe and United States. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of urban dynamics, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
This Book was ranked at 28 by Google Books for keyword Géographie et urbanisme.
Book ID of Urban Dynamics and Simulation Models's Books is ptDuDQAAQBAJ, Book which was written byDenise Pumain,Romain Reuillonhave ETAG "3reB/LIYC7Y"
Book which was published by Springer since 2017-02-07 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9783319464978 and ISBN 10 Code is 3319464973
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "123 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPolitical Science
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true
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